Hi folks. I've been looking at some of your blogs, and leaving some comments. It's hard to remember who's who anymore, lol. It's been too long of a time since I blogged and read blogs. Some of you, I've found on Facebook, and I'm happy about that. The rest of you, I need to reconnect with. So I'm gonna do some of that this next week, if I can.
I've been stitching away the last couple of days. I'm making a Christmas pressie for my 12 year old neighbor, Elijah. He's a huge video game fan, and so I'm making him the logo from Assassin's Creed Black Flag. I'm using a dark purple, cause it's his fave color. The thread is Weeks Dye Works Purple Majesty. So far, it's looking great. Here are a couple of pics. This first pic is of the last time I had it off the Q. It's been really easy since it's monochromatic. And here is the other piccy, of what I've done since I took the last off the Q pic. (I did take it off one other time, but I didn't take a pic as there hadn't been a huge amount of progres.)
I'm hoping he'll really like it, and I think mom and I are gonna make it into a pillow for him. So I need to dig out my backing fabbies, and see if a fat quarter is big enough to do the backing with. I'm hoping.
And the next pressie up is all finished. It's for my friend Paul, who I mentioned before. He and I have had several discussions about horror movies. He's more a fan of the older horror movies, the classics. So I foung the following piece to do for him. The monsters in it are obvious to me, but I'll list them off for those who don't know. From left to right, they are: The Mummy, The Wolfman/Werewolf, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Bride of Frankenstein, The Blob, and last, (but certainly not least), The Invisible Man. This was SUCH a fun stitch. Here's my finished product. (I did do some Backstitching that wasn't called for, as Dracula's fangs were a little too light, and blended in with his face.) I've also got one of these little guys picked out for me. I saw someone else's version of it, and I loved it. So I saved the pic, so I could copy her verbiage. It's the children's jump rope song from Nightmare on Elm Street. The words are: One Two Freddy's coming for you, Three Four, better lock your door, Five Six grab your crucifix, Seven Eight, better stay up late, Nine Ten Never sleep again. It's VERY creepy in the movie. The actual verse is something else, and I don't like it. So if I DO a verse, I'm gonna have to do the song. The monsters in this one are, from left to right: Leatherface (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Jason Voorhees (Friday the Thirteenth 2-10), Freddy Kreuger (Nightmare on Elm Street 1-Wes Craven's New Nightmare), Jigsaw (Saw 1-4), Hannible Lecter (Silence of the Lambs etc...), and Michael Meyers (Halloween various). And here's her pic:
And this one is my sis in law's pressie. It requires some explanation, though. I did a subversive stitch for my brother. This was, oh, about six or seven years ago. A friend did up the chart. In the corners and under the words are the prettiest pink roses and green vines with leaves you've ever seen. In the center, it says, "Fuck You." This is my brother's fave phrase when dealing with jerks. If you're good to him, he's AWESOME. He will literally do almost anything for you, unless it's illegal. If you treat him like crap, he'll be the worst enemy you've ever had. So it was pretty appropriate. Anyways, I told my sister in law about it, and he showed it to her. She was excited. I want one, I want one... So I finally found something that speaks to me of my sister in law. She's awesome, but she'll find this hilarious. It says, "I'm not always a BITCH. Just kidding. Go Fuck Yourself." The last line doesn't show up too well in this pic, so I think I need to take another one soon. But here she is, in the BLUE colorway. (I'd like to do it again in the green and keep it for myself.)
And now for two progress piccys. I have two SALs in progress, sort of. The first one is the Under the Sea SAL, but Durene Jones. It's the cutest thing. It has all kinds of sea creatures, and even some humans doing sea things. Here are the lastest pics. I took one when I had it off the Q to move from part six to part seven. So it has the first six parts on it. It's THIS photo: And then this pic is of part seven. It's the mermaid, as you can see. She's very pretty. I'm so glad she doesn't really have eyes. It would have been really hard to do such small eyes, and I don't think I would have liked them. Although it makes me laugh that she's wearing makeup in the water, lol. (Look at those EYELASHES. Makes me sooooooo jealous, lol.) Anyways, here she is in all her beautiful glory.
And the last pic for this time is my OTHER SAL. This is the Birthstone Dragons SAL. I have to pull out the ENTIRE border except for about six inches of the top or something like that, and put it back in. I made a mistake, and thought I corrected for it, but I didn't. So now I have to pull the whole darned thing out. I'm so disgusted with myself over it, it's been languishing. I haven't touched it since summer, and don't even have a whole dragon done. (Luckily, I can redo the border AROUND the dragon that is almost done, so I don't have to pull all of that out. Yay for that. SOMETHING will stay.) Here it is. I've chosen to do the border in black instead of the gold you're supposed to do it in. I think it'll look better on the fabby I've chosen to use, a hand dyed fabby from Jo's Fabrics and Such on Facebook. She's done some WONDERFUL fabrics for me. So here it is, in all its messed up glory.
Okay, that's all the photos for today. I'll have some more later this week, along with some tales of what Yes Dear has been up to. (Mainly, costing me lots of money, lol. But she's sooooooooooo worth it!!!) Hope you're all having a great day, and I look forward to hearing from you!
The pictures aren't showing up for me.
There was a big thing with Photobucket a while back where they decided they would hold our photos hostage if we didn't pay to host them on our blogs.
Maybe that's the issue?
Nope, I'm using Amazon Prime Photo Storage for hosting my photos. I'm not sure why they're not showing up. For me, they show up, but they're LATE. It literally takes them several minutes to load for some reason. (It's never done that before...)
I tried, I have had this post open for 30 minutes and no photos have appeared!
Weird. I have no idea what's wrong... Sorry Jo. Can you click on them, and open the photos that way?
Bummer, no pictures for me either. Hope you figure it out, I want to see everything you've written about!
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