Okay, the idiocy first. I went over to David's house for dinner on Saturday night. He wanted to show mom and I what he was gonna do with the basement. (He's redoing the whole thing. He took down the seventies wood paneling, added insulation, and put up drywall. Now he's gotta paint and tile.) He's painting the right side of the basement in light blue, the center section, stairs, doors, and support pole tan, and the stairwell and back wall gray. His carpet is light and dark gray, brown, and an umber color. It's really nice looking (except for the brown, lol). His tiles are all in shades of gray. He and Amy (his girlfriend) were laying out the tiles in the pattern he wanted to make them. Mom and I were offering suggestions. He had them laid out so that two twelve by twelve tiles were up against the carpet, followed by two other twelve by twelves, then two six by twelves. In the center of the twelve by twelve blocks, there is a six by six diamond. It was pretty, but I suggested he put the two six by sixes on both sides of the twelve by twelves, so he would have a border around them. It's more symmetrical that way. So he and Amy rearranged them, and he looked at it, and then looked at me and said, "Damn you," which made me laugh. Amy asked what was wrong, and he said, "I like it," to which I replied, "You sound surprised." And he looked at me and said, "You're an idiot!!!" Amy looked like she was gonna get all offended on my behalf, but mom and I were cracking up. (A bit of backstory. I haven't always been so well medicated, and I've not made the best choices when I'm not medicated.) He's grinning at me, and mom and I are laughing like loons, and poor Amy just looked confused. It was too funny. She assured me she would tell everyone the tile arrangement was my idea, lol. It was hilarious. I got some stitching done, but not much (and David kept leaning on my chart and now it's all wrinkly). I worked on Lust.

Then on Sunday, I worked quite a bit on Jesus. I watched the one o'clock game (Bengals VS Pittsburgh) which we lost but played very well in. The defense didn't do much the first couple of series, and I think if they had come out and played hard, we would have won the game. Final was 24-17. We sacked Ben five times. FIVE!!! And we picked him once, even though it wasn't his fault. The receiver tipped the ball (twice) and our guy caught it instead. It was great. A good game all the way around. We had two interceptions against us, and one was a tipped ball like the other. The other was a true interception. Receiver stopped and QB had expected him to keep going. It was at a penultimate moment too. Our last drive of the day, halfway down the field, looking to tie it up, and intercepted. Boo Pitt!!! (Of course, I like Pittsburgh, so I really don't mean that.) Got a goodly amount on Jesus done. Lots more hair, and then I started on his clothing. You can see the results here:
I also got some decent work in on Lust. I took her with me to David's and got some done there, but I was working on her last Monday night (Tuesday was ToS and Wed was ornies and Thurs was Jesus again) and had to frog about a hundred and fifty stitches. It was my own mistake, so I wasn't too ticked. (Of course, sometimes it's my mistake and I'm ticked, so who knows why, lol.) Anyways, I got it all put in in the right place this time. You can see my progress here:
I really like the way it's turning out. It's looking beautiful. I was surprised at first that the first color is so dark a blue, but not after I looked at the pic again. It's going to be beautiful when finished, and I can hardly wait. (I'd better not hold my breath though.) As you can see, I've not gridded this one. I'm just stitching cross country. I wanted to see if it made a big difference. So far, it has. I wouldn't have made the mistake I did had I gridded it, so I'll be gridding the rest of them. Ick!! Gridding is such a pain. But then, so is frogging. I'd rather grid than frog, soooooo... I should have put a quarter on it for scope, but I didn't think of it. Anyways, that's it for me now. I'm off to play for a bit!
Wonderful progress on both your WIP's!! They look beautiful! You'll be done with Jesus in no time!
Jesus is really taking shape.
Hugs, Kaye xoxox
hello dear, great progress on both of your lovely wip's..they are so sweet...
keep well..lots of love for you xx
Your WIP is looking great! LOVE your Q-Snap cover by the way with the cats on it! Wish we could get those in the UK! You sound a lot happier in this post than you have recently so I'm glad things are settling down for you after all that nasty bother! Sending snuggles to Yes Dear! xx
You have made great progress! I stitched an ornie for the SAL, but can't show it online yet!! :/
I never gridded my HAEDs except for the most recent one. But, I still stitch cross country, the grids just make counting easier. And I grid using a washable fabric marker. :)
I was enjoying looking at your rotation when it all of a sudden hit me that we seem to at least have the same taste in designs. I also have (between my Crazy 15 list and my To Do List: In Her Garden, Frederick The Literate and Maggie the Messmaker. Watching your progress will make me feel like we're doing a SAL even though were not. Will enjoy watching your progress while I do mine. Mmm better start on mine then:-)
Your wips are great! The story with your brother made me laugh. Reminds me of me & my sisters.
Jesus is coming along beautifully. :D Got quite a bit done on Lust as well... looking good.
ooo wips looking good :) love the tile story and mmmm gridding may be required ?? love mouse xxx
You are making great progress on Jesus!
Thanks Charity. I'm hoping so, as I want to give him as a Christmas gift. Yes, finally, Kaye. Now I'm wishing I had started Thursdays earlier. Thanks Cucki!! I'm liking Lust a lot. All those tiny stitches go so fast since I'm doing tent stitch!! Awww, thanks Thea. There was so much going on there for a while that I could hardly keep up with myself!! I'm getting back to normal though: SLOW!! And I'm quite sure Chris would ship to the UK. I'll send you here link here in a sec... Okay, sent. Where do you get a washable fabric marker Rachel? I'll check around and see if I can find one, but let me know anyways. And I can't wait to see your ornie. I'm sure it's awesome! LOL, Monique. I have Maggie and Max too. And Too Pooped. Can't wait to see your start. LOL, gotta love sibs. Thanks, Joysze. I'm glad he's finally coming along. I'm thinking so Mouse. Thanks! Thanks Nancy, I'm actually starting to enjoy it. Usually I'm always frogging, but not the last three weeks.
or little frogs, cute in the pool, but in the fabric , is not so cool.
Amen Doris, Amen. Cute in real life, not so cute in stitching life!
Stitching looks wonderful. Love the family stories.
Thanks Vickie. My family is pretty close except for my sister. Well, she's close to my brother sort of.
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