Danni T. and I have a bet on tomorrow's games. She's rooting for the Broncos and the Falcons, and I'm rooting for the Steelers and the Giants. So we bet five dollars on the outcomes. Two fifty on each game. So you guys root for me, okay? Cause I'm hoping (and this is the reason that Danni is rooting against them) the Pitt wins (Steelers for the uninitiated) so they can get their big can of whoop ass out on those who shall not be named the week after. (Also for the uninitiated, that would be the team who plays in Foxboro. I hate them so much I won't even let my friends say their name. (I bet Randi leaves a comment with their name on it, just cause she's difficult, lol.)) Anyways, root for my teams, ladies, so I can win the five dollars. Cause I've spent way too much money this month already.

And speaking of spending money... I bought a piece of fabby for the new piece I'm doing for my brother and his girlfriend. If she doesn't like it, I'll keep it and buy another. (I didn't even show it to her, lol.) I know it will look good, so I bought it on sale. I'll show it to her when it gets here, probably within the next few days. Monday, Tuesday, something like that I think. Bought it from Silkweavers, and it's called Summer Winds. It's lovely. You can see it here. It's a reflections color, so it shimmers. Beautiful. I think it will go well with this.
It's lovely. It's actually lighter than this, but the light was bad, and the flash reflected. But it's lovely. This is the Wedding Sampler that David and Amy picked out. Well, Amy picked out and David agreed with. I was very happy to see that all the letters of the alphabet are charted in both uppercase and lowercase so I can personalize it without having to have software. I'm really happy about that. Now I just have to pray that the fabby is as advertised. I think it's gonna be lovely. And if not, I have something else in mind for it. I have a lovely flamingo chart with just the head and neck visible. It's beautiful. I have it on my stash page here. I think it would be lovely on that fabby, so I'll keep it for that should Amy not like it.
And then, I bought something else. I had the Beach Romance kit in my cart, but I hadn't checked out yet. And then, I got distracted. So I'm looking at my emails and the 123stitch ad was in my inbox. Cat patterns were on sale, thirty five percent off. So I went to the site and put it in my cart too. Then I ordered them together. It was only four dollars and change. It's called You Are What You Eat, from Imaginating. Designer is Holly Gordon. It's cute (and in Bengal's colors too). Here it is:
Isn't it cute? I think it's darling, and hilarious. Eventually, I'll get to it. (Or it will go to Julie M.upon my death, lol. Someone will do it!!!) Now I'm just waiting on fabby to get here and then I'll call Amy up and go over and see what she thinks of it. I'm so excited!
And I'm assuming (I haven't heard anything) that I'm not gonna have my piece of fabby for Celtic Summer by tomorrow. Erm, Monday. Sorry, Monday. (You'll have to excuse me. It's playoff time, and football was on today, so I feel like it should be Sunday. You know how it goes. BTW, I worked on Marguerite and it felt really weird to not work on Jesus while watching football.) Anyways, piccys of my works this week so far. I'm posting a piccy of Jesus, but I don't think I've worked on him since last time, so feel free to note that no progress has been made. I don't think I put in a single stitch on Thursday (but I did do about two hundred emails, so it's all good).
He looks a lot like what the Catholic Church says Jesus should look like. (I'd like to see someone put out a kit of what her REALLY probably looked like, but I don't think anyone will touch it with a ten foot pole.) I did get some good progress on him last Sunday, and I'll be working on him tomorrow too. I want to get the rest of his neck done and start on his hair, but there are only two games tomorrow and I stitch slow. We'll see how I do.
Next up is Marguerite. I don't hate her (yet), but it's a close thing. I'm so very happy to put her away for the next weeks. I've frogged till my fingers blistered. (Okay, not really, but they would have if I had to frog one more time.) Ay yi yi, it was horrible. At first, I was all crazy and did the bigger border. Of course, it didn't match up. So then I tried (over and over and over again) to get the little border to match up. I honestly can't count on both hands the number of times I had to frog and redo. Luckily, as you can see from the piccy,
there is an inner small border, and outer small border and a medium border. I'm working on the outer small border, which means I need to do small sections of the medium border. Yes, it IS confusing, but I think I did most of it right. Except I need to frog again cause I'm off by one (again). So I need to frog it when it comes back out. I'm glad to put it away for now. Ahhhh, if only I could count!!! (This is no reflection on the difficulty of the design. It's truly just me. I have an awful time counting satin stitches, for some reason. I do have to frog my cross stitches due to miscounting, but not nearly as often or as repeatedly.) Unfortunately, since I don't have Celtic Summer, I'm doing Jesus tomorrow then working on Rosa Monday. Rosa needs to be frogged too, because of the way the magazine did the chart. Lovely. So that's what I'll be working on come Monday. (And I keep forgetting to call Rosa and tell her that. Ooops!!)
Last piccy is of my small amount of progress on my ornie. I didn't get much done again this week, as my hand just doesn't handle it well. I got a few rows in, but not much.
This is being done in a very dark green, since they are evergreen trees. The chart calls for dark blue (I guess they're thinking shadows), but I'm using a dark green. I changed 939 to 319, for those who want to know. I think it looks much better with the green than the blue. (LOL, I did the same thing when I stitched it for my mom, and the floss was still in my out of order bag. I need to eventually put them all in order and put them away, but I haven't done so yet, so it was still in there. Lucky me, cause I don't know where my color card has gotten to.)
Hope you all have a great night, and don't forget, root for the Steelers and Giants tomorrow. (Or root for one of them. I told Danni we'll probably both win a game, and not need to transfer funds at all. Of course, with my luck, both of my teams may lose.) I know I've said it before, but thanks again for all my followers, and for those who leave me comments. It's nice to know I'm not talking to myself, lol.
Just to shock you..I will behave for once...
LOL, I'm suitably shocked. Thanks!!
beautiful stitching and lovely new cutie kit..have more fun..
love :)
The sparkly fabric for your ornies is beautiful. Your new cat chart is great too!
I have stitched that kitty chart before. It's so cute, and stitches up pretty quick too. I ended up giving it to my sister-in-law and she hung it over her fish tank, lol. :)
Wow Jesus is really coming along now Julie. Lovely progress on the ornament too.
everything looks great. But as far as rooting. I can't stand the Steelers and not a Giants fan. I like the Broncos, ok now don't shoot me.
Thanks Cucki. I will try, lol. Thanks Debbie. I love the opalescent. It just shimmers. Funny, Rachel. I couldn't resist. It was a cute cat chart, and it was in Bengals colors!! Thanks Sally. I promise not to shoot you. As a matter of fact, Shellen, since they're playing those who shall not be named next week, I'll even root for them next week!! Hope you have a great one!
ROFL, I love the "You are what you eat" chart. Jesus is looking great.
Go Steelers and Giants... wait, didn't the Steelers play last night? :S
Why is it the steelers are always called for defensive penalties and nobody else is!
LOL, Joysze, they did and they lost. Boo, hiss... It was awful. I'm so peeved at them!! Thanks for the cheers though! And I'm glad I could give you a giggle. I love that chart! Because they have a rep, Sierra. There were a couple of really bad calls too, and the announcers said so. Things there were called and shouldn't have been and things that should have been and weren't. Sigh...
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