I finished my inbox in Incredimail tonight. Now I'm downloading. I have fifteen hundred and thirty one emails on the server, one of which is a pressie from Rachel. Thanks Rachel!!! I"ve been looking forward to it (and enjoying the anticipation) for over a week now. I saw the email the day it came in, and I've been wondering which chart it is. Randi just about went crazy when I didn't open her pressie right away, and I hope you're not upset that I've been waiting and savoring. I keep trying to think if I said anything specific about a chart that you could have caught, lol. I love it. Thanks so much. I'm sure I'll say thanks again when I actually get to it. Yay for pressies!!!

I sent out a pitiful amount of Christmas cards this year. I sent a total of ten. Nine for a Christmas card exchange I did, and one to Randi cause she sent me one. I'm a pathetic excuse for a human being this year. I so didn't get into the season. I made a few batches of cookies with mom. I didn't decorate a thing in my house. I didn't go buy a little tree like I wanted to. I didn't do anything. I didn't even listen to carols. It was all bah humbug at my house. I think it's partly cause I'm not good with money, so I didn't have a lot for gifts. And partly, it's because of it being Christmas without dad. It was hard this year. I went back to my Christmas album from a few years ago, and looked at him smiling and laughing and it just seems so unfair that he had to die so young. (I really shouldn't say that. He smoked for over forty years, so the COPD was not a surprise, and it was his choice to continue to smoke till he died. But I didn't make that choice, so it's unfair that I don't have what I want. Yes, I CAN be selfish, lol.) So it was a rough season this year. I"m hoping next year will be better. Maybe...
I worked some on my Christmas ornie today. I'll take a piccy tomorrow or the next day of it, cause I want to do a little more on it tonight. My hand is still cramping (I almost said craping, lol), so I'm not getting a lot of progress. I'm thinking for the next one, I'll be able to put it on the Q snap, at least horizontally. My fabby is about five inches high, and eight inches across. But for this ornie, I'm working right at the left edge, and so I can't put it on a Q-snap. Ouch!! But I didn't work on it last week or the week before cause I worked on Jesus instead. I have him mostly finished. I have some hair to do Thursday, and then it'll be mostly confetti and those two areas of easy stitching until the end. I'm amazed that he's so close to done. Thanks to all of you who have been so encouraging to me, so that I could get him finished. I love my mother dearly, but I HATE Jesus with a passion. I'll be so glad to take him to the framers!!!! And I'll thank you all again then. (Hopefully soon, as I really don't enjoy working on him. Also, for those of you that worry, I've explained to God the difference between Jesus the being and Jesus the project. We're good, even though I say I hate Jesus. After all, I can hardly not capitalize the name even when I'm talking about the project!!)
Mom is doing all right with her heart, but her blood pressure has been through the roof for some reason. We can't figure out a trigger. It started about ten days after she got out of the hospital the second time. It was well controlled on her previous meds, but now they don't seem to be working. To the tune of frequent systolic numbers in the one ninety to two hundred range, and diastolic numbers in the ninety to a hundred range. She seems to be taking it mostly in stride, except for checking it three times a day. She just started a new med, so we'll see how that does. (I think I'm stressing about it more than she is to tell you the truth. It just sounds awful to me. And she's all blase about it. "Oh, since it's not high enough to stoke me out, I don't call the doctor every time I take it." And of course, I'm all OMG, OMG, OMG... I don't wanna lose my mom too. She's the glue, ya know?)
I'm feeling a little bit better now that January is underway. I sort of mark the beginning of the year with, "I survived another year, and this time I wasn't hospitalized, whoo hoo!!" You can all celebrate with me. I haven't had a psyche hospitalization in 2011, and I'm very happy about that! Hopefully, 2012 will be even better! I hope you all have a wonderful new year, and that God is good to you and yours.
And now, what you've all been waiting for: EYE CANDY!!! First up, as usual, is Jesus (cause I want to get him out of the way, lol).
I didn't get a lot done on him Sunday. Our game (the Bengals) was, well, not bad, but we didn't win either. We got into the playoffs anyways, and that's a miracle. In order to get in with a loss to Baltimore, we had to have the Jets lose, the Broncos lose, and the Raiders lose. I was shocked when they all lost. It would have been better to get in with a win, but I'll take it however I can get it. From here on out, it's win or go home. And considering our QB and number one receiver are rookies, that's damned good. (Not as good as Rothlisberger's rookie season, but still...) And then I watched the Sunday Night Football game. It was Dallas versus New York (the Giants obviously, as the Jets already lost that day). I was rooting for both teams, because I like them both. I was teasing Ansel though, and telling him I was rooting for the Giants. (Apparently, he's never liked them. He was pissed when they won though. All snarky and stuff. Men, lol.) So it was all exciting and I had to watch every play, so I didn't get a lot done on him. Still, he's looking good for a Feb finish. I hope (now that I've said that, something will happen and I won't get him finished).
Then, I messed up my days and worked on the wrong project. Marguerite is still in frogland, and I should have worked on it on Monday. But I thought it was Tuesday, and worked on Tree of Stitches (Abi Gurden) instead.
I finished up Jerusalem Stitch and started Floral Stitch, which is a lot of fun. Then on Tuesday, I thought about working on Marguerite but since she's in frogland, I decided to work on ToS again, lol. Got quite a bit of the FS done, and so far, it's all in the right place. I love working on the different stitches. Despite all the hullabaloo, I'm really glad I got the pattern and am stitching the design. She's a wonderful designer, despite her other less than sterling qualities.
And now I"m gonna go read a little bit before bed. I feel the need to finish up my current book (Wild Card by Lora Leigh) before I hit the hay. Hope you're all have a super night, and that your day tomorrow (later today) is wonderful.
hello dear your stitching is looking so lovely..well done deary..
love for you..have a lovely day..
hugs cucki xx
Hi Julie, so glad that you did not have to be hospitalised this past year. I am sure that the stitching and blogging has helped. I am sending positive vibes your mum's way every day. I worked on our Christmas ornie SAL yesterday (Wednesday) and I finished three different colourways of Believe from the Sampler girl. You can check out my progress here:
Take care of yourself and I am sure that 2012 will be a great year.
Hugs, Kaye xoxox
Jesus looks beautiful! Can't wait to see him finished and framed! Hope your mom's BP gets under control, I know it worries you about her...moms are our glue, you are right about that! I understand how hard the holidays are to celebrate when someone we loved dearly is gone...it feels good to get them and move on to a new year! Hugs!
Thanks Cucki. I'm glad you like!! Thanks Kaye, for the good thoughts especially. I saw your post already, and left you a comment, lol. Looking good!! You're totally right Nancy. I'm glad the holidays are over. There was some fun though, and I"m glad about that. Thanks about Jesus too. I'm thinking maybe Feb for a finish. Well, hoping anyways!!
I hope you like it, Julie, and don't already have it. If so, you should be able to swap it for something else. :)
Let me know either way! :)
have a great year! the tree of stitche look beautiful.
Thank you for visiting my blog, here I am too :) And wow, you have some really BIG and beautiful projects, love them very much!
Jesus is looking wonderful! And so is your tree - I must get mine out next Tuesday :D
Jesus is looking great. ToS is coming along nicely.
I'm sure Michele won't have a problem with it Rachel. She knows me well {grins}. I'm always contacting her cause my Adobe doesn't play well with Vista, and it won't let me save a chart. When she emails it to me, it saves though, cause I use the save function of my email program. That actually happens a lot, lol. I'll be sure and let you know when I get to it. Thanks Doris, for both. I love the way it's turning out, and the stitches are so fun to do. Thanks Emese, for returning the visit and for leaving a comment for me. I love to know what people think!! I'm very attracted to large projects. None of mine are small, lol. Thanks Tama, I'll run over to your blog to check out your progress!! And thanks Aussie. How's your summer going? I really wish we had your temps here in some ways. I hate the cold months without football...
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